Amityville Thanksgiving (2022)


Amityville Thanksgiving (2022)
 IMDB Rating:

1.9/10 from 258 votes IMDb

  Original Name:


Comedy Drama Horror

 Starring by:

Mark C. Fullhardt Natalie Peri Paul Faggione

 Directed by:

Julie Anne Prescott Will Collazo Jr.


United States





 Story Plot: Jackie and Danny are spending the holiday week in therapy instead of at the dinner table. Their marriage has taken a turn for the worst, and they turn to what they believe to be their only option, Amityville Couples Counselor Frank Domonico, a doctor with a hidden, sinister past. He recommends an isolated cabin retreat to save their family. But once alone together, the doctor’s unorthodox approach starts to push the couple over the edge.

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